Monday, September 6, 2010

Greenbelt and Trowbridge

Hey! So, Greenbelt's over now, but it was loads of fun. It ended up being a lot bigger than I pictured it, and there was so much stuff to do. There were movies to watch, art and craft, music performances, shops and food stalls. I spent a lot of time just wandering around looking at things, but the place where I spent the most time was at the pancake stall. The pancakes were so delicious! :P I also saw a couple of movies and had heaps of fun, except the festival seemed to go by so fast!

Now I'm back in Trowbridge staying with some old friends and just chillin until we head of to Paris on Tuesday. So, that's pretty much it for now. I'll catchas all later (:


  1. PARIS! u lucky duck. well i got another assignemnt (scince) thats 6 now. lol hate u. also love and miss you dearly.


